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Structural-functional study of selected human proteins

We also study selected human proteins, especially WT1, AKIP1, DHX15, and NMDAR. For their production in bacterial, insect or tissue cells and subsequent isolation and purification, we engineer a broad spectrum of expression vectors. Using directed or alanine-scanning mutagenesis we identify the important amino acid residues or functional domains for their cellular functioning. The biochemical properties of purified proteins are tested using variety of biochemical or structural approaches.

Strukturně-funkční studie vybraných lidských proteinů1 (originál) 

Strukturně-funkční studie vybraných lidských proteinů2 (originál)

Strukturně-funkční studie vybraných lidských proteinů3 (originál)

Strukturně-funkční studie vybraných lidských proteinů4 (originál)

Grant support: TAČR 2019-2020

Collaborations:  Institute of Physiology CAS, Motol University Hospital

Updated: 17.7.2019 12:51, Author: Martin Halecký

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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