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You are here: UCT PragueFFBTUB → Department of Biotechnology → Instrumentation and Equipment → Technology Facility Brewery Lachout → Experimental Brewery ZVÚ Hradec Králové (1965)

Experimental Brewery ZVÚ Hradec Králové (1965)

Classical four-tank brewing kit equipped with water heater tank and combined tanks (hop back + wort cooler). The maximum volume of wort ejected is 60 liters. Primary fermentation in ten open glass fermentation vessels with their own temperature controls for fermentation. Maturation in lager cellar in KEGs or in PET bottles. Filtration of beer could be performed in one of the two filters (table and candle). Beer is packed into glass or PET bottles using a manual bottling apparatus.

stara varna - puvodni
stara varna - ruda
stara varna - celek
lezacke tanky
hlavni kvaseni

Updated: 27.8.2018 14:22, Author: Martin Halecký

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