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You are here: UCT PragueFFBTUB → Research → Research Groups → Laboratory of Bioengineering → Teaching


We are Involved in Teaching of Bioengineering and Biotechnology subjects:

  • Bioengineering I (in Czech)
  • Bioengineering II (in Czech)
  • Bioengineering (in English)
  • Basics of Bioengineering (in Czech)
  • Processes and Operations in Brewing Production (in Czech)
  • Trends in Biotechnologies (in English)
  • Cultivation Techniques and Bioprocess Modeling (in Czech)
    • Simultaneous degradation of acetone and styrene in a continuously operating submerged reactor (Laboratory task)
    • Heterotrophic Algae Cultivation (Laboratory Task)
    • Bioprocess Modeling (lecture)
Updated: 18.7.2019 12:11, Author: Martin Halecký

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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