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Publications 2020

Branska B., Fořtová L., Dvořáková M., Liu H., Patakova P., Zhang J., Melzoch M.: Chicken feather and wheat straw hydrolysate for direct utilization in biobutanol production. Renewable Energy, 145, 1941-1948 (2020) (on-line)

Chalupa J., Pocik O., Halecky M., Kozliak E.: Thermophilic waste air treatment of an airborne ethyl acetate/toluene mixture in a bubble column reactor: Stability towards temperature changes, Journal of Hazardous Materials 384, (2020) (on-line)

Halecký M., Kozliak E.: Modern Bioremediation Approaches: Use of Biosurfactants, Emulsifiers, Enzymes, Biopesticides, GMOs, in Advanced Nano-Bio Technologies for Water and Soil Treatment, Chapter: Biotechnologies for Soil Treatment, 2020, Springer International Publishing, Basel, Switzerland ISBN 978-3-030-29839-5 (on-line)

Najmanová P., Halecký M.: Biotechnologies for Soil Treatment, in Advanced Nano-Bio Technologies for Water and Soil Treatment, Chapter: Biotechnologies for Soil Treatment, 2020,  Springer International Publishing, Basel, Switzerland ISBN 978-3-030-29839-5 (on-line)

Najmanová P., Raschman R.: Field Study X: Oil Waste Processing Using Combination of Physical Pretreatment and Bioremediation, in Advanced Nano-Bio Technologies for Water and Soil Treatment, Chapter: Biotechnologies for Soil Treatment, 2020, Springer International Publishing, Basel, Switzerland ISBN 978-3-030-29839-5 (on-line)

Beneš, H., Vlčková V., Paruzel A., Trhlíková O., Chalupa J., Kanizsová L., Skleničková K.,  Halecký M.: "Multifunctional and fully aliphatic biodegradable polyurethane foam as porous biomass carrier for biofiltration." Polymer Degradation and Stability 176. 2020, 1-11 (on-line)

Borcinova M., Raschmanova H. Zamora I., Looser V., Maresova H., Hirsch S., Kyslik P., Kovar K.: Production and secretion dynamics of prokaryotic Penicillin G acylase in Pichia pastoris. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2020) 104:13, 5787-5800 (on-line)

Dostálková A., Hadravová R., Kaufman F., Křížová I., Škach K., Flegel M., Hrabal R., Ruml T., Rumlová M.: A simple, high-throughput stabilization assay to test HIV-1 uncoating inhibitors, Scientific Reports 9, , 2019, 17076 (on-line)

Dostálková A., Kaufman F., Křížová I., Vokatá B., Ruml T., Rumlová M.: In vitro quantification of the effects of IP6 and other small polyanions on immature HIV-1 particle assembly and core stability, J. Virol., 2020, 94(20), 1-14 (on-line)

Dostalkova A., Skach K., Kaufman F., Krizova I., Hadravova R., Flegel M., Ruml T., Hrabal R.,  Rumlová M.: PF74 and Its Novel Derivatives Stabilize Hexameric Lattice of HIV-1 Mature-Like Particles, Molecules, 2020, 25(8), 1895 (on-line)

Drahokoupil M., Patakova P.: Production of butyric acid at constant pH by a solventogenic strain of Clostridium beijerinckii. Czech Journal of Food Sciences (2020) 33(3), 185-191 (on-line)

Ghobrini, G., T. Potočár, J. Smolová, G. Krausová, S. Yakoub-Bougdal, T. Brányik: Heterotrophic cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris using saline waste water from the deminaralization of cheese whey, Biotechnology Letters 42 (2), 2020, 209-217 (on-line)

Hrůzová K., Patel A., Masák J., Maťátková O., Rova U., Christakopoulos P., Matsakas L.: A novel approach for the production of green biosurfactant from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using renewable forest biomass, Science of The Total Environment 711(1), 2020, 135099 (on-line)

Julák J., Vaňková E., Valková M., Kašparová P., Masák J., Scholtz V.: Combination of non-thermal plasma and subsequent antibiotic treatment for biofilm re-development prevention, Folia Microbiologica, 65(5), 2020, 863-869 (on-line)

Kaufman F., Dostálková A., Pekárek L., Tung Dinh Thanh, Kapisheva M., Hadravová M., Bednárová L., Novotný R., Křížová I., Černý J., Grubhoffer L., Ruml T., Hrabal R., Rumlová M.: Characterization and in vitro assembly of tick‐borne encephalitis virus C protein, FEBS Letters, 594(12), 2020, 1989-2004 (on-line)

Paldrychová M., Vaňková E., Kašparová P., Sembolová E., Maťátková O., Masák J., Scholtz V., Julák J.: Use of non‑thermal plasma pre‑treatment to enhance antibiotic action against mature Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 36(108), 2020 (on-line)

Paulova L., Chmelik J., Branska B., Patakova P., Drahokoupil M., Melzoch K.: Comparison of Lactic Acid Production by L. casei in Batch, Fed-batch and Continuous Cultivation, Testing the use of Feather Hydrolysate as a Complex Nitrogen Source. Brazilian Archives of  Biology and Technology 63, e20190151, 2020 (on-line)

Potočár, T., Leite, L. D., Daniel L. A., Pivokonsky M., Matoulková D., Brányik T.: Cooking oil-surfaktant emulsion in water for harvesting Chlorella vulgaris by sedimentation of flotation.” Bioresource Technology 311, #123508 (on-line)

Rollová M., Gharwalova L., Krmela A., Schulzová V., Hajšlová J., Jaroš P., Kolouchová I., Maťátková O.: Grapevine extracts and their effect on selected gut-associated microbiota: In vitro study. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 38, 2020, 137-143 (on-line)

Štulíková K., Bulíř T., Nešpor J., Jelínek L., Karabín M., Dostálek P.: Application of High-Pressure Processing to Assure the Storage Stability of Unfiltered Lager Beer, Molecules, 25(10), 2414, 2020 (on-line)

Vaňková E., Kašparová P., Dulíčková N., Čeřovský V.: Combined effect of lasioglossin LL-III derivative with azoles against Candida albicans virulence factors: biofilm formation, phospholipases, proteases and hemolytic activity, FEMS Yeast Research, 20(3), 2020 (on-line)

Vaňková, E., Paldrychová, M., Kašparová, P., Lokočová, K., Kodeš, Z., Maťátková, O., Kolouchová, I., Masák, J.: Natural antioxidant pterostilbene as an effective antibiofilm agent, particularly for gram-positive cocci. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 36(7), 101, 2020 (on-line)

Skleničková K., Abbrent S., Halecký M., Kočí V., Beneš. H.: Biodegradability and ecotoxicity of polyurethane foams: A review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 1-46, 2020 (on-line)

Štulíková K., Novák J., Vlček J., Šavel J., Košin P., Dostálek P.: Bottle Conditioning: Technology and Mechanisms Applied in Refermented Beers,  Beverages, 6(56), 2020 (on-line)

Vasylkivska M., Patakova P.: Role of efflux in enhancing butanol tolerance of bacteria. Journal of Biotechnology, 320, 17-27, 2020 (on-line)

Updated: 16.4.2021 13:58, Author: Martin Halecký

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