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Students’ Involment

What you can experience with us and what can learn:

  • practical experimental work with different kinds of (bio)reactors
  • measurement and control of (bio)processes
  • cultivation techniques of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria as well as yeasts, molds and freshwater and marine unicellular algae and photosynthetic bacteria
  • practical experimental work with HPLC and GC systems
  • determination of enzyme activity, advanced cell staining, biofilm formation kinetics (image analysis) and other practical microbiological and biochemical methods
  • surface characterization techniques including processing and interpretation of results using (X)DVLO theory
  • design and analysis of experiments and balancing and mathematical description of (bio)processes

    Youngest chemists

Malí chemici (originál)

3D chromatogram of the determination of micropolutants (pesticides) in water

pesticidy (originál)

Trickling biofilter for waste air treatment

skrápěný reaktor (originál)

Chlorella algae cultivation in photobioreactors

optimalizace_vertical (originál)

Fusarium solani on Rose Bengal agar

INTSA10_9 (originál)

Updated: 18.7.2019 11:46, Author: Martin Halecký

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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