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Prof. Mojmír Rychtera, PhD

Professor of Biotechnology

rychtera_m (originál)





 +420 220 44 4124




Education and Employment

 1955-1960 Engineering studies, ICTP, Department of  Fermentation Technology (DFT) (MEng, MSc).
 1960-1964  Assistant professor at DFT.    
 1964-1968  Postgraduate studies at ICTP, DFT. 
 1968-1980  Senior assistant professor at DFT (later DFCB).  
 1972 Research fellow at the University of Birmingham, Department of Chemical Engineering, UK, the same position for 3 months in year 1993.
 1980 Habilitation procedure and appointment as an associate professor in the field of fermentation chemistry and bioengineering.
 1992 Within the framework of TEMPUS program teaching at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (3 weeks). 
 1992 Appointed as professor for the field of fermentation chemistry and bioengineering.
 1997, 2005 1 month "visiting professor" at the Tianjin University of Light Industry, China. 
 1995-2008 External professor at the University of Technology Brno, Faculty of Chemistry.


Teaching Activity

Supervising BSc, MSc and PhD theses, teaching in the courses: Biotechnology in food industry (MSc course), Food technologies and biotechnology (BSc course), Downstream processing in biotechnologies (PhD course), Fermentation technology (PhD course), Biotechnological production of chemicals, materials and energy (PhD course).

Current Research Topics

Operations of fermentation industry, cultivation techniques, optimization and control of bioprocesses. Fermentation production of ethanol, acetone a butanol. Biosynthesis of lactic and itaconic acids, their isolation and purification. Optimization of distillery technology with respect to stillage exploitation. Application of thermophilic microorganisms for biodegradation organic industrial wastes. Immobilization of microbial cells and their application in bioreactors. Production of microbial biomass (especially from agricultural and industrial raw materials and wastes. Optimization of ergosterol biosynthesis (provitamin D2) by the yeast cell. 

Updated: 22.7.2019 14:59, Author: Martin Halecký

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