Downstream processing
Distillation, Rectification
- Hempl Packed distillation column equipped with distillation head with reflux collection and heating nest and distillation flask (four litres).
- Marcusson distillation apparatus.
- Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1K15.
- Laboratory centrifuge Hettich Mikro 220R.
- Laboratory centrifuge Selecta Medifriger-BL.
- Laboratory centrifuge Janetzki K26.
- Laboratory centrifuge Heraeus Megafuge 16R.
- Laboratory centrifuge Jouan CR3.
- Laboratory centrifuge Mechanika Precyzyjna MPW-330.
- Stripping apparatus with recycled gas, with freeze drying or adsorption on activated carbon. The apparatus can be connected to various strippers or directly to the laboratory fermenter. Tempering ensures the thermostat Julabo ED 5 and MC Julabo F25 cryostat.
Updated: 16.7.2019 08:37, Author: Martin Halecký