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Markéta Kulišová, MSc

 ◳ Kulišová (jpg) → (originál)


 Room: A124

+420 220 444 367

 E-mail: kulisovm@vscht.cz

Education and Employment

2015-2018 Bachelor studies, ICT Prague, FFBT, Pharmaceutical biotechnology (Bc.) 
2018-2020 Master studies, ICT Prague, FFBT, Pharmaceutical biotechnology (Ing.)  

Erasmus study programme, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugalsko

Since 2020 Doctoral studies, ICT Prague, FFBT, Biotechnology

Doctoral Study

Doctoral thesis: The effect of natural preparations for plant nutrition and vitality on microbiological diversity and biotechnological potential of grapevine

Supervisor: doc. Ing. Irena Kolouchová Ph.D.

Teaching Activity

Consultations of diploma and bachelor‘s theses, teaching of field laboratories.

Current Research Topics

Study of fungal biofilm, possibilities of influencing its formation and removal by natural preparations, mycoparasitism.

Updated: 6.11.2020 12:20, Author: Martin Halecký

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Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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